Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30, 2010

We went to see "The Nutcracker" this past weekend and once again I have incredible fodder for a good rant.

Going to see any performing arts used to be something special that people would get dressed up for. I don't get dressed to the nines, but I still make an effort. I wouldn't consider wearing jeans to a performance. So my first rant is about how sloppy people will dress in public. Do they not care about how they look? Make an effort to look a little nice people. If you don't want to dress up, then stick to watching your ballet/opera/theater/etc. on television, because I don't want to look at your sloppiness. On some level, I think it's rude to the musician/performers/dancers, because it means that you are simply there to entertain yourself and not appreciate them. You should have an outwardly appearance that shows that the event is something special - worth putting effort into looking nice to see.

Now about your behavior while you're there . . .

First rule - people going out have the right of way over people coming in. This applies to exterior doors and when you are entering the theater itself. So if you are going in and people are coming out, let them pass, step aside, hold the door, whatever but don't push past them, bump into them or worse - treat them like they're being rude! It's you.

Second rule - if the people in front of you are stopped to allow someone to leave, get past, etc. DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE AND PUSH PAST ME. Can you tell someone struck a nerve here? I was waiting for an elderly woman to come out of the theater and some snotty and sloppily dressed young woman pushed past me to go in and nearly knocked the other woman down.

If you are in a small space waiting, make sure you're not blocking exits or routes of egress. Good grief, find another space to stand instead of in front of the door/bathroom/exit/etc.

What ever happened to basic good manners?

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