Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010

Today was "Walk to School" day at my daughter's school. There are many reasons I'm in total support of this - cleaner air, healthier kids, less traffic . . . but I have to admit a very selfish reason: I want a sidewalk to connect the four parts of my neighborhood.

As of right now there is no sidewalk to connect the largest part of my neighborhood with my little orphaned street. The road connecting the two sections crosses over Noses Creek and has absolutely NO shoulder. Cars race down the road doing well over the 35 mph posted speed limit and it is dangerous. The kids in that part of the neighborhood can't safely walk to school and we can't safely walk to the pool or to visit other neighbors. We're going on five years now that we've been trying to get a sidewalk put in. And we'll keep trying until it gets done.

I guess I'm more of an urbanite than I realized - I like the idea of being able to ditch my car and walk places - to the store, to visit with friends, to a park.

No real rant today other than about the builder of my neighborhood who didn't bother to put in the sidewalk because it was too expensive. And then lied to everyone here, telling us that they couldn't get a permit to put it in over Noses Creek. Liar liar pants on fire: TRATON HOMES. Oh yes and I should also thank them for the crappy construction on my home, taking as many short-cuts and using the cheapest possible materials. Oh yes, and thanks for forgetting to tell us that our lot was a swamp and still floods every time it rains.

I could tell you some good stories like about how the construction supervisor was telling me to not put to much in my kitchen cabinets because they might not hold up? He said, and I quote: "I wouldn't put your grandma's dishes in there if you don't want them to get broken." I guess that should have been a huge red flag eh?

1 comment:

  1. Aw Rita . . . don't take my rants personally. Window seats SHOULD get on first, so people don't have to keep getting up and down. I'm more talking about the people who are perfectly capable of waiting, but apparently feel too privileged to get on later, and push people out of the way to get to their spot. Believe it or not - I'm closer to the demographic of the worst offenders. Women over 50 are the WORST about this!! And then they glare at me like I'm being rude. I'm standing to the side, minding my own biz . . . they call my group, I take a step forward and am MOWED down by other "ladies."
