I often wonder if my friends and family take it personally when I "disappear" for days, weeks, and months at a time. Not "disappear" in the sense of going into hiding - but in the sense of being so absorbed with other things that they are neglected. For any of you reading this who feel that I ignore you - it's not personal and I do care about you, or you wouldn't be my friend.
I am a lousy time manager and I don't know how to keep contact in place when my daily life is so busy and chaotic. Between working full-time, my two kids with their upkeep and activities, my husband (who travels frequently - limiting my time with him and putting more of the household and kid upkeep on me), and trying to balance time for myself, I fail miserably at keeping in touch with friends. I don't do it on purpose.
So there are times when I find myself incredibly lonely, despite having many friends, simply because they have filled their lives with other people and activities too. I wish I knew how to be a better friend. I miss you all and you are all very important to me. Yes, I'm talking to YOU.