Today President Obama publicly stated his support for Gay Marriage. Today Facebook lit up with people shouting "hurray" and "sinners." And it pissed me off. A good friend of mine posted the news article and in response one of her friends (that I am not linked to) posted:
marriage is hypocrisy and a slap in God's face. He CLEARLY intended
marriage to be between a man and a woman. If you're living a lifestyle
that God forbids, why would you want to participate in a religious
ritual that he established? *Disclaimer:
I'm not homophobic,and as a minority I'm against any and all forms of
discrimination. You CAN disagree with a lifestyle/religion and not hate
the individuals who practice them."
There is no reference in the Bible at all to marriage ONLY being between a man and a woman. There are multiple references to marriage complying with MAN'S established laws. There are references to the words "husband" and "wife." But there are also multiple references to that men can have as many wives as they want. So take your hypocrisy and shove it up your ass. Taking God's word and contorting it to suit your own objectives is WRONG.
Today legal marriage is more about the government rights it gives couples, seeing partners as official spouses for insurance, benefits, death, medical, etc. It's about the public commitment you make to someone you love and plan to support through good and bad for the rest of your life. I'm much more concerned with the divorce rate in the world today, rather than who can marry who.
If you love someone and are committed to them - you should have the right to make them your spouse. If you make that decision without a true commitment in your heart, to God, to the government, whatever, you are a hypocrite. And yes, I'm calling myself a hypocrite. I knew my first marriage was doomed before I said "I do" because I wasn't willing to commit myself to it.
So all you religious zealots out there get off of your high horses and go back and read your Bible with open eyes instead of regurgitating the pablum you've been spoon fed by organized religion to suit personal agendas. You clearly are seeking someone to condemn so you can feel better about yourself. The Bible is a historical reference and while it may contain "Gods Word" it was written by mere mortal men who influenced it with their own thoughts and feelings.