Friday, February 18, 2011


Oh well, it's back to the fields in the summer for my kids. Cobb County School Board approved changing the calendar back to a mid-August start date.

While I appreciate that there are many people upset by this reversion because they had already planned vacations during the breaks for 2011 - 2012 school year, I would like to kindly remind them that there were those of us that got screwed when they changed the calendar in the first place. There are claims that they weren't heard - but once again I remind them that the prior school board had overwhelming public support to KEEP the existing calendar and voted to change it anyway.

It doesn't matter what calendar is decided upon, there will always be a group of grumblers not happy with it. The public survey was to allow residents to have input on the decision, but it was not a "vote." Over 82,000 responses were collected, but when the duplications and district (school employee etc) votes were stripped out, there were in reality only 15,712 respondents. Clearly there are some district employees with a vested interest in keeping the balanced calendar and they tried to stack the survey results.

The bottom line is that the new School Board representatives were elected based on their campaigns to revert the calendar and this is how the public had their voice heard -- electing representatives that will support their views. I campaigned strongly to replace the School Board, as did many other Cobb County residents. At least these representatives stood by their word and their campaign promises, which I consider honorable.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We all have baggage.
I just chose to check mine to my final destination instead of carrying it with me.

I've been too busy to post - something about taking on new job responsibilities and I haven't passed on any of the old ones. What is that saying about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I don't really care about being stronger right now, but having more money would sweeten the deal.